Naked warrior is adult themed RPG/adventure game. Game contains some minor nudity like naked main character and some enemies are without clothes. Also some levels contain adult themed objects and theme Evil Mutant Pig and his men army has captured 6 kindgom roylties: King, Queen, Royal successor, Royal Warrior, Royal sailor and Royal mage. Player is naked super woman. Every level star without weapons, but player woman can collect different weapons like few different swords and shield or fight with hands against enemies. Also player can use bonfire to restore health and also use health potions. End of every level player meet Pig boss and after defeated boss door open and player can save captured character, finish level and earn achievements. Game contains 6 levels
- 6 levels - enemies and bosses every level - Several steam achievements - Hidden poops which give player achievements - Adult content theme, like main character - No detailed genitals showed
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